Over Training - You Won't Get Quicker Results
Many people make the common mistake of over training fitness risk . The reason that they end up exercising too much is that they think the more they exercise, the more results they will see. Unfortunately this is not the case. A reasonable amount of exercise fitness dangers can provide wonderful weight loss results. However, this does not mean that more exercise is going to provide better results fitness risk . fitness dangers People that have this mentality often end up actually making it harder to lose weight and can end up injuring themselves or even causing themselves health problems fitness dangers .
A Dangerous Condition
When you exercise too much, it can often create a dangerous condition, which is called Over Training Syndrome. fitness dangers Often people that have this problem end up dealing with many aches and pains, especially in their muscles and in their joints. fitness risk This is a condition that can seriously start having a negative impact on your health. It can start making your body overproduce cortisone, which can lead to stress on the body and gains in body fat. No doubt this is not something you want to experience when you are trying to lose weight fitness dangers .
Signs You May Be Over Training
It is important to be aware of the signs of over training. One sign that you may be over training is that you are very hungry most of the time and you find yourself overeating on a regular basis. Being thirsty all the time fitness dangers can also be a sign that you are training too much fitness risk . Finding yourself feeling easily angered or you are constantly snapping at people you care about? This can also be a sign that you are training too much. Other signs to watch out fitness dangers for include more body fat, decrease in your strength, injuries, problems sleeping, and excessive fatigue fitness risk .
Avoiding Over Training
Now that you know how to look out for over training, you may wonder how you can avoid this problem. Well, to avoid this problem, it is best that you don't go over 75% of your maximum heart rate. You can figure this out by taking 220 and subtracting your age from this number. fitness dangers Alternating days where you workout hard and days where you do low intensity workouts can be helpful as well. Resting is even fitness dangers important to avoid over training. Adequate sleep at night and taking time off from working out can be very important to avoid training too much and ruining your weight loss results fitness dangers .
Many people don't realize that over training is a serious problem. You need to watch out for this problem and keep informed on the symptoms to watch out for. My Weight Loss Ontario clients know that if you feel that you are over training, fitness dangers you need to back off immediately so you don't harm your body. Weight loss and exercise is important for your health fitness risk , but over training will not help you to lose more weight. fitness risk Sticking to a reasonable workout routine will help you to lose the weight you need to without injuring your body fitness dangers .
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